Case Study 2

Stepping Into Success: CaptenAMZ helped a supplement Brand increase it sales by 6x in first 3 months


CaptenAMZ helped a supplement Brand unleash their sales by 6x in the first 3 months by 

executing a plan of action that only helped increase sales but also the profit of the Brand by 3.5x


CaptenAMZ propelled a supplements brand into unprecedented success, with a game-changing strategy that not only skyrocketed a supplements brand’s sales by 6x in the initial three months but also amplified their profits by an astounding 3.5x.


Market Competitiveness

Supplement category is altogether the most competitive category on Amazon and this Brand we took wasn’t able to cope up the competition and changing behaviour of market.

No Clear Plan of Action

The Brand didn’t have a plan of action on how to increase sales and standout without going in to loss. The Brand was heavily relying on PPC and organic sales were less.

High CPC

Brand was facing high overall CPC which in turn was becoming expensive for the Brand to market their Product

Overdependence on One Match Type

An excessive focus on one match type ignored the potential of other match types for discovery and scaling.


Finding Market Gap

CaptenAMZ research team found Gap in this competitive niche and with a strategic approach, advertised the brand products on less competitive Keywords

Optimized Product Detail Page

CaptenANMZ team after doing competitor research changed whole media of the Brand that includes product detail page and store front. Highlighted USP(Unique selling point) of product and addressed pain points of customers

Exploring New Keywords

We ventured into untapped areas by creating ranking campaigns for previously untested, rankable keywords.

Expanding to different Match Types

We expand to other match types in advertising such as Broad Modifier campaigns to get less CPC and more sessions


Increased ranking

Overall organic sales increased after we targeted highly relevant Keywords in our PPC campaigns and increased overall ranks. We saw a boost of 28% in sales. After achieving ranks we slowed down PPC on these keywords and our ACOS also decreased

Boost in overall sales

Overall sales were boosted after we took necessary measures such as structuring campaigns, targeting new keywords and reducing waste ad spent. Sales boosted from $200K to $300K within 45 days of onboarding.

TACOS Decreased

TACOS was decreased as soon as the team reduced waste spend and targeted spend on just increasing organic ranks. We brought TACOS down from 18% to 9%. These results made the client happy and in return we got a permanent prospect